An Article That Brought Us Unexpected Amount of Feedback and Exposure

quiet quitter in media

The article on “quiet quitters” published in Äripäev resonated with readers and received an unprecedented amount of positive feedback. The story touched on topics that are often ignored but have a significant impact on both work performance and job satisfaction. The effectiveness that depends on the quality of leadership, the daily engagement of employees, and the lack of empathy are issues that resonate not just in business but also in society at large.

We received feedback from readers that the article sparked discussions and highlighted topics that are important to people. What were the key reflections?

The Cost of Indifference and Comfort

Indifference is a topic that is rarely addressed, yet it carries a noticeable cost, expressed in financial losses or missed opportunities. Simply put, the cost of comfort is a third of potential results, as the contribution of a “quiet quitter” is minimal. When a leader is disengaged, the negative impact on the team’s success is even broader.

Ignoring or overlooking issues might seem easier, both in the corporate environment and in life in general, but it can lead to catastrophic consequences. Resistance to violence or preventing climate change are examples where the cost of indifference can prove fatal.

Employee Development vs. Replacement

Many readers agreed that developing employees is much more cost-effective than replacing them. Many leaders do not think about the fact that, despite the time and energy spent on development and training, finding and onboarding a new employee is always significantly more expensive and time-consuming. Sometimes team member changes are justified, but often greater meaning in the work can be found through collaboration, and missing skills can be developed. HR professionals shared that leaders often fail to appreciate the magnitude of their contribution in finding a new employee, as this cost is outside their department’s budget.

It’s important to remember that this comparison applies to both employees and leaders. Every leader, in turn, has a leader who should notice and address the indifference of a “quiet quitter.”

Empathy and Listening

Empathy and listening to the team are other crucial aspects that cannot be ignored. Changing expectations require new ways of leadership. Not all of today’s leaders have the skills to be career and development partners. Not all are necessarily willing to develop these skills either. Gartner recommends creating dignified opportunities for leaders to step down from their positions, thereby increasing the number of contemporary leaders.

Top-Down Management No Longer Works

The success and effectiveness of modern leadership lie in the opposite approach: listening to employees, understanding their needs, and developing them. A leadership model that focuses on employee engagement and motivation proves that while technological innovations are important, they are neither sufficient nor sustainable without quality and caring leadership.

Committed team members and the new generation entering the workforce are particularly sensitive to “bossiness.”

In Conclusion

In the rush of everyday life, indifference and care in the business environment often go unnoticed, and their impact is immense. It is quite clear that in today’s job market, hierarchical leadership alone is no longer enough. Through empathy, listening, and caring, leaders can significantly improve team performance. At Moticheck, we stand for continuing discussions on the quality and effectiveness of leadership. The thanks and feedback we have received confirm that the topic is relevant and necessary.

Read the full story here.

quiet quitter in media
quiet quitter in media
quiet quitter in media