Lead like a superhero

Moticheck enables you to drive change and productivity. It gives you confidence in how your people feel in their roles. It makes people follow you to new heights.

Employee experience and leadership tool

Moticheck asks a single question from every employee every day. The online dashboard gives everybody an easy-to-read overview of 14 categories across the employee experience. Moticheck results are instantly shared with employees team-by-team and compared with other units. Traffic light colors underline your team’s strengths and development needs.

Steps to ease your management challenge and engage your people with Moticheck

1. Commit to monitoring employee experience to gain confidence in people and to drive performance.

2. Get the agreement signed and employee data for Moticheck prepared.

3. Communicate internally WHY you do this and HOW your people benefit from it.

4. Work with results – follow up on strengths, weaknesses, and trends. Dive in, involve the team, and take action.

Request a demo Click here to start your trial

Our customers say Motichecks’ continuous presence provides more value than traditional people surveys


„I feel heard.“
„Short and snappy tool, answer with one click.“
"Makes me think of topics I usually neglect."
"Engage those who are otherwise shy to speak out."
"Everyone has access to the team's results."
"It helps to influence upwards.“


"Opens up the blind spots."
„It is a great “reality check”.”
„Helps to manage expectations."
„Live comparison of results visualizes the team's strengths and weaknesses."
„Get your details together with a helicopter view.”
„You can measure the “temperature” all the time.“

HR team

"It does not require any high-level administration."
„The anonymity drives honesty and brings out real issues."
„The green light assures that we are on the right track."
„Saves essential time; all the information is at your fingertips.“ „Quickly indicates the painful points that need immediate action.”

We serve thousands of employees and leaders in various industries.

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