Moticheck is a proud member of PARE. PARE is a community for HR professionals with a mission to improve work-life and leadership quality in Estonia. The PARE’s Leadership Quality Working Group recently managed a big job – the creation of a good management circle.
PARE’s CEO Kai Saard went to interview leaders and Working Group members to see how people define good leadership.
Martin Rajasalu the CEO at Moticheck starts by talking about good leadership but says that it is actually much easier to say what is not good leadership. “Good leadership is what drives the organization forward. Hopefully to new heights. Good leadership certainly includes managing people as well as managing other resources. But it is important to realize that no Excel table or amount of money can fix people. Rather, it breaks. But people can fix the financial situation as well as all the Excel sheets. So people are the priority of every manager. It’s also a priority for every organization because an organization grows organically only when its people grow,” explains Rajasalu. It is easier and even more practical for every manager to be aware of what is not good management. “For example mistrust, holding back, micromanaging, discrimination, lack of time, poor listening skills, missing the big picture, blaming, etc. This list is very long,” admits Rajasalu.
To find out the take on good leadership by 10 other influential and inspirational leaders interviewed for the article, click here for the article (the original is in Estonian).